Tigo Energy has announced improvements to the Predict+ platform That provides utilities insight into the demand for grid, renewable generation and dynamics of the energy market. Designed to improve the accuracy, scalability and robustness of energy entry with a maximum of 97.5% accuracy due to machine learning and artificial intelligence, the platform uses smart meter consumption data to predict accurate grid production and consumption forecasts. Predicting+ helps energy providers to streamline, reduce volatility and maximize performance. Since the first quarter of 2024, the Pedict+ platform has grown from 15,000 to 140,000 meters under management and today covers a total of 600 GWH energy.
Foreplay+ authorizes Utility operators to adapt to real demand challenges in balancing sources for renewable and baseload generation, especially during extreme weather conditions and market disruptions. The platform provides usable intelligence that improves the accuracy of the loading forecasts and at the same time reduces the manual workload, with data intervals ranging from annually, monthly, daily and to by-the-minute data resolution. Predicting+ includes the following primary functional domains:
- Market insights: A precise picture of the short-term energy trends in combination with customer-internal data in a easy-to-consume, adaptable dashboard.
- Customer insights: A combination of market and cost data that is used to evaluate the financial impact of expansion to new markets or the acquisition of high-quality customers.
- Profit analysis: predicts and documents actual income from end customers with integrated invoicing and billing functions that take existing processes from days to minutes.
- Regular support: generates automatic prediction plans and sends the plans safely according to regulatory authorities in selected regions.
“The predictive+ platform does not only enable our customers to reduce operating costs and streamline workflows, it actually stimulates a higher efficiency on investments and more resilient, intelligent infrastructure for renewable energy,” said Zvi Alon, Chief Executive Officer at Tigo Energy. “As predicts+ extends to Europe and North America, we bring machine learning to energy analyzes and predictions to a new standard for energy reasons. As energy generation becomes more diverse and markets become more dynamic, predicting+ offers a competitive advantage by bringing raster stability and true foresight into aunts. “
Forecast+ has the possibility to quickly calibrate and load forecasts in response to external disruptions-as COVID-19 and extreme weather conditions give a separate competitive place. Existing customers continue to validate the Real-World value of the platform by expanding their use, adding modules and scale capacity. Predicting+ is independent of traditional prediction methods by using advanced algorithms that reduce volatility, improve accuracy and streamlining accuracy, often perform better than legacy approaches such as spreadsheets up to 11%, with about 3% deviation from the actual. By consistently supplying a higher accuracy with reduced manual intervention, predicting+ has become a trusted solution for energy suppliers who want to optimize the grid performance through prediction.
Tigo news item