Arizona solar owners are stuck with a flat grid rate following a recent decision by the Arizona Corporation Commission.
Trade reveals anti-dumping tariffs on solar panels in Southeast Asia
Washington, DC
Following the Commerce Department’s preliminary decision to impose countervailing duties (CVD) on imports of silicon solar cells from Southeast Asia, the federal government has also tentatively decided to impose anti-dumping duties (AD). The government has published the new AD rates, ranging from 0% to more than 271%.
Treasury Department Announces Final Rules on Sec. 48 ITC
Washington, DC
The Treasury Department released final rules for the ITC and definitions of properties eligible for the credit in December. Projects for which construction began before January 1, 2025 can claim the Sec. 48 ITC, but after that the ITC and PTC will switch to the technology-neutral ‘credit for the production of clean electricity’ and the ‘investment credit for clean electricity’.
Not enough U.S. solar panels are made for the federal government’s needs
Washington, DC
Numerous government agencies have proposed a one-year exemption from manufactured product requirements for domestically assembled solar panels used in federal infrastructure projects due to a lack of availability. The groups propose waiving the required use through December 31, 2025.
Sec. 301 rates have been increased on Chinese polysilicon and wafers
Washington, DC
In its ongoing revision of Sec. 301 tariffs on Chinese goods, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative announced increased tariffs on certain tungsten products, wafers and polysilicon. Tariffs on tungsten products will increase to 25% from January 1, 2025, and tariffs on solar wafers and polysilicon will increase to 50%.
Conservative state lawmaker passes resolution supporting solar energy for farmers
Washington, DC
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), an organization of state legislators committed to the principles of free markets and federalism, has adopted a resolution supporting community solar and agrivoltaic energy projects on farmland. The conservative group hopes to reduce red tape for provinces looking to increase adoption of this segment of solar energy.
Arizona Corporation Commission enforces grid access fees
Phoenix, Ariz
Rooftop solar customers in Arizona will still have to pay a monthly Grid Access Charge after the Arizona Corporation Commission voted 3-1 in favor of it in December. According to the Republic of Arizonathe committee called it ‘just, reasonable and in the public interest’.