One of First Solar’s long-standing component manufacturing partners will establish a new manufacturing facility in Lacassine, Louisiana to support the state’s upcoming 3.5 GW solar panel manufacturing site.

The back of First Solar’s Series 7 module. It uses dual steel rear rails.
Ice cream industriesa heavy metals contract manufacturer first founded in Ohio, will invest $6 million in a new manufacturing facility that will initially focus on roll-forming steel backrails for First Solar’s thin-film solar panels. The company expects to create 70 direct new jobs.
This new Ice Industries facility in Louisiana complements a similar operation in Bowling Green, Ohio, which opened in 2022 specifically to supply First Solar with products.
“After the successful collaboration with First Solar that resulted in the creation of Ice Industries Bowling Green, we are excited to further develop our partnership with an American company that is the world leader in the production of PV panels,” said the founder of Ice Industries , Chairman and CEO Howard Ice. “Following both the United States’ increasing focus and investments in clean energy technology and Ice’s strategy of geographic and market diversity, Ice Industries Louisiana represents a strategic investment in both the company and our nation’s manufacturing base.”
The company expects to begin installing new equipment in a renovated 150,000-ft2 factory in October and production will start in early 2025.
Louisiana Economic Development (LED) offered the company a competitive incentive package, including LED FastStart’s comprehensive workforce development solutions. The state has also offered Ice Industries a $380,000 Economic Development Award Program forgivable loan for site development and infrastructure improvements, subject to approval by the Louisiana Economic Development Corporation board. The company is also expected to participate in the state’s Industrial Tax Exemption and Quality Jobs programs.
News item from Ice Industries