Catalyst Power Holdings collaborates with Sunny Side Storage to develop a 650-KW portfolio of roof and soil mounting solar systems in their facilities in true, Massachusetts. Commercial and industrial solar sun is an essential strategy for Massachusetts to achieve the ambitious goals of the state. Massachusetts offers companies considerable opportunities through programs such as SMART (Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target) and commercial tax stimuli that make solar energy attractive to owners of commercial real estate.
“We are pleased to work with Sunny Side Storage LLC to develop these solar projects and to benefit the local community of Wue. Massachusetts offers companies excellent opportunities to make an easy decision for the public interest through the updated smart program, ”said Gabriel Phillips, CEO of Catalyst Power. “Adding renewable energy sources to the generation stack lowers energy prices for everyone. Local companies in Massachusetts can organize solar energy to promote a healthier, more cost-effective energy environment for everyone and to be paid for this. “
Catalyst Power offers one Reach of cleaner energy solutions For companies in Massachusetts eliminate the elimination of costs in advance, including customized retail energy service, connected Microgrid solutions, battery storage, demand response and more.
News item from Catalyst Power Holdings