Key Properties has completed its first solar project in collaboration with Give energy. The 110-KW solar installation on the roof at the extra space storage building of Key Properties in Cedar Knolls, New Jersey, is designed to compensate for 100% of the building’s electricity consumption.
“Solar was a natural choice for us to lower operating costs,” said Adam Schlussel, VP with important properties. “Thanks to our partnership with application energy, we have reduced our electricity costs from 17 cents to less than 1 cent per kWh and we benefit from a recurring income flow through stimuli. For us it is as if you have another tenant in the building in the building.”
“Important characteristics approached this project with a focus on sustainability and maximizing financial value, and we are very happy to work with them to reach both,” said Tony Johnson, VP of commercial development in requesting energy. “This project not only compensates for 100% of the electricity consumption of the building, but also emphasizes the economic benefits in the long term and environmental effects can ensure commercial property owners.”
The Cedar Knolls location of the most important properties uses natural gas for heating and electricity for air conditioning and lighting. The solar system now fully compensates for the electrical consumption of the building. For their next solar project, important properties and energy energy work together to design a system that will cover 100% of the future energy needs of a fully electric building.
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