Ardagh Glass Packaging-North America (AGP-North America), a subsidiary of the Ardagh Group, completed a 13-MWDC sun project that will soon be Mada, California, facility with clean energy.

Credit: Ardagh Group
The Madera Solar Field, built, owned and managed by Longroad EnergyWill deliver renewable energy to the Glass production facility of Ardagh, accounting for around 20% of the electricity needs of the facility. Longroad cooperated First solar energy” Valta -energy” McCarthy Building Companies” Nevados And AC Electric company To blossom the project.
“Longroad Energy is pleased that our AGP-Noord-America solar project will help to achieve its impressive sustainability goals,” said Eric Barnhart, VP, business development at Longroad Energy. “We are proud to work with AGP-North America and contribute to a clean and resilient future.”
In addition to the Madera project, Argagh worked together with KDC Solar in 2019 on an ultramodern Zonneveld in the production facility of Aragh’s Bridgeton, New Jersey, Glass.
“This renewable electricity project in Madera is proof of the dedication of Ardagh for sustainability,” said Brian Brandstatter, president and CEO of AGP-North America. “In addition to protecting the environment, we invest in our local community and our customers. By improving our sustainability efforts, we ensure long -term value, reliability and cost -effective solutions for the brands that trust us. This initiative underlines our dedication to be a responsible and progressive manufacturer of glass containers in California. “
News item from Ardagh Group