Scientists are investigating falling earcop battery life life
Have you ever noticed how electronic devices, including wireless earbuds, seem to lose the battery capacity faster the longer you use them? An international research team from the University of Texas in Austin went looking for this well -known problem, known as battery gradation, by concentrating on the earplugs that many people trust every day. Through a series of X -rays, infrared and other imaging approaches, the researchers have investigated the hidden complexities behind these small devices and revealed the life of their battery over time.
“This started with my personal headphones; I only wear the right one, and I discovered that the left earplugs had a much longer battery life after two years,” said Yijin Liu, a associate professor at the Cockkell School of Engineering Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering, Who led the new research that was published in advanced materials. “So we decided to look and see what we could find.”
Their analysis showed that crucial earbud positions – such as the Bluetooth antenna, microphones and circuits – compete with the battery in a very limited space and produce a micro environment that is less than ideal. This situation results in a temperature gradient that damages the battery over time, with different parts of the cell that experience variable temperatures.
Real-World factors also make things difficult. Frequent changes in the climate, shifts in the air quality and a large number of other environmental variables challenge the resilience of the battery. Although cells are generally designed to endure harsh conditions, constant fluctuations can take their toll.
These discoveries emphasize the importance of considering how batteries deal with devices such as telephones, laptops and even electric vehicles. Packaging solutions, strategic design decisions and adjustments for user habits can all play a role in expanding battery performance.
“The use of devices changes differently how the battery behaves and performs,” says Guannan Qian, the first author of this article and a post -doctoral researcher in Liu’s Lab. “They can be exposed to different temperatures; one person has different loading habits than the other; and every owner of electric vehicles has his own driving style. This is all important.”
In conducting this study, Liu and his team worked closely with UT’s Fire Research Group, led by mechanical engineer Vanodike Ezekoye. They combined infrared imaging methods with their internal X -ray technology at UT Austin and Sigray Inc. To expand their scope, they then collaborated with some of the world’s most advanced X -ray facilities.
Their employees included researchers from the Slac National Accelerator Laboratory’s Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, Brookhaven National Laboratory’s National Synchrotron Light Source II, the advanced photon source of Argonne National Laboratory and France. With these partnerships they were able to observe battery behavior, among other things, authentic operating conditions.
“We usually look in the laboratory at unspoilt and stable conditions or extremes,” said Xiaojing Huang, a physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory. “While we discover and develop new types of batteries, we must understand the differences between laboratory conditions and the unpredictability of the real world and respond accordingly. Röntgenbecity can offer valuable insights for this.”
Looking ahead, Liu says that his team will continue to analyze the battery performance in the institutions that people experience every day. They are planning to expand their approach to larger batteries, such as those in smartphones, laptops and electric vehicles, to find out more about their relegation patterns.
Research report:Analysis of the battery in the drop battery