Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has distributed land allotment letters for various solar projects.
Among the companies that have proposed to set up solar energy manufacturing units in the state, Grew Energy has been allocated 60 hectares of land for the PV cell and module facility to be built with a proposed investment of INR 25.4 billion ( $299.4 million).
Insolation Green Energy has secured 45 hectares for a factory for aluminum frames, PV cells and modules. Premier Energies Global Environment has won 50 hectares for silicon rods and wafers, while Saatvik Solar Industries has won 50 hectares for PV cells and modules.
Sunkind photovoltaic solar energy has also acquired 30 hectares for PV modules, Rays Green Energy 38 hectares for PV cells and modules, Shakti Energy Solutions for PV modules and Alpex Solar for PV cells and modules.
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